Employment Agreements
Instantly get affordable, fully automated, standard employment agreements that serve you and your startup business without leaving your office.
Employment Agreements
Get fully customised and ready-to-go employment agreements with legal sign-off by a real lawyer within 24 hours or less – with the assistance of our legal bot technology.
Our employment agreement solutions include:
- Employment agreements for general staff
- Employment agreements for key staff & executives
- Independent contractor agreements
Our customised Employment Agreements include:
- Choose between full-time, part-time, fixed-term or casual employment.
- Protect confidential information and intellectual property.
- Editable Word document instantly ready for download.
- Review and legal sign-off by our expert lawyers within 24 hours or less.
- Detailed non-compete clauses.
- Detailed non-solicitation clauses.
- Phone and email support.
- Advice on applicable award and classification.
- 7-day money back guarantee.
Let’s talk numbers
Shareholder’s agreements
drafted, reviewed, and negotiated
of our fully automated
shareholder’s agreement
developing our model shareholder’s agreement
Launch your startup journey with us.